50 attractions directly accessible by the Wuhan Metro, 38 of them are free, how many have you been to?

There are 12 subway lines in Wuhan, namely Line 1, Line 2, Line 3, Line 4, Line 5, Line 6, Line 7, Line 8, Line 11, Line 16, Line 19, and Line 21.

There are a total of 300 subway stations on these subway lines, of which at least 50 attractions in Wuhan are distributed near nearly 40 subway stations, and at least 38 of these attractions are free attractions.

See how many you’ve been? What else do you know? Feel free to leave a comment.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 1

Dijiao Station

Dijiao Park: It is a free park in the riverside area, covering an area of more than 20 hectares, the whole garden is like a Jiangnan garden, there are many antique buildings, there are more than 700 cherry blossoms in it, and you can enjoy it between March and April.

Xuzhou Xincun Station

Wuhan Erqi Memorial Hall: Wuhan Erqi Memorial Hall shows the whole process of the Jinghan Railway Workers’ Strike in an all-round way, with a collection of 5,700 pieces, and there is a “Erqi Martyrs Monument” on Erqi Square.

Huangpu Road Station

The former site of the Wuhan Office of the Eighth Route Army: The Wuhan Office of the Eighth Route Army was an office established in the jurisdiction of the Kuomintang in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, and played an important role in leading and uniting people from all walks of life at home and abroad to participate in the War of Resistance against Japan.

Liberation Park: Liberation Park is a free park, built and opened in 1955 on the sixth anniversary of the liberation of Wuhan, so it is called “Liberation Park”, the park covers an area of 460,000 square meters, there are plum blossom mountain, osmanthus ridge, cherry blossom slope, bonsai garden, Chinese famous pagoda garden and other scenic spots.

Dongwu Avenue Station

Wujiashan Park: Wujiashan Park, formerly known as Xijiao Park, is located in Dongxihu District, is the highest point in the whole district, with more than 50,000 trees more than 30 years old and a bunker on the top of the mountain.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 2

Zhongshan Park Station

Zhongshan Park: Zhongshan Park is one of the most well-known parks in Wuhan and one of the 100 historical gardens in the country, including a bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Jianghan Road Station

Jianghan Road Pedestrian Street: It is a famous century-old commercial street in Wuhan, and it is said to be the longest pedestrian street in China, because there are many old buildings in the Republic of China, and it is known as the “Wuhan Twentieth Century Architecture Museum”.

Jianghan Customs Museum: It is a comprehensive local museum, relying on the Jianghan Customs Building, including the Jianghan Customs Museum, the Memorial Hall of the Former Site of the Wuhan National Government, and the Museum of Zhan Tianyou’s Former Residence.

Wuhan Science and Technology Museum: About 1 km away from Jianghan Road Station, it is a 4A-level tourist attraction, including light, information, transportation and other technologies, and is one of the most difficult venues to make an appointment during the holiday.

Hankou River Beach: Hankou River Beach is the most beautiful river beach park in Wuhan, with a total length of about 7 kilometers, with multiple entrances, and the Jianghan Gate of the Hankou River Beach is adjacent to the Wuhan Science and Technology Museum.

Captain 9 Cruise: Captain 9 is a cruise ship on the Yangtze River, shaped like a giant space battleship, with a total of 3 floors, located at Pier 23 of Wuhan Port, near the Wuhan Science and Technology Museum.

Hankou Railway Station Station

Wuhan Museum: Wuhan Museum is about 600 meters away from Hankou Railway Station, which belongs to the free 4A scenic spot, which includes the treasures of the town hall such as the phoenix pattern square, the blue and white plum vase, the “Jianghan Range Rover Map”, and the green jade double phoenix cross-neck pot.

Houxianghe Park: Adjacent to the Wuhan Museum, Houxianghe Park covers an area of 130,000 square meters and is a modern urban public space full of greenery.

Jiyuqiao Station

Wuchang River Beach: Wuchang River Beach is about 500 meters away from Jiyuqiao Station, Wuchang River Beach is not as luxurious and atmospheric as Hankou River Beach, but it is also a riverbank landscape.

Cape Crab Station

Shahu Park: Shahu Park is about 1 km away from Crab Point Station, Shahu Lake is the second largest “urban lake” in Wuhan after East Lake, and lotus is the garden flower of Shahu Park, with about 1,000 acres.

Tan Hua Lin: Tan Hua Lin is an old neighborhood in Liangdao Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan, Tan Hua Lin is famous for having many old buildings of the Republic of China, and there are also some churches.

Baotongsi Station

Baotong Temple: It is the only royal temple in Wuhan City, and it is also one of the four most well-known temples in Wuhan. The temple is located on Hongshan Mountain, where you can both worship Buddha and climb the mountain.

Wushang Dream Era: Wushang Dream Era is separated from Baotong Temple by Wuluo Road, it is a shopping mall, but it is a Chufeng Han food street, focusing on Wuhan’s local specialties and retro nostalgic scenes, attracting many people to check in and take pictures.

Jiejiekou Station

Wuhan University: Wuhan University is about 1 km away from Jiejiekou Station, it is the most well-known university in Hubei, open to the public all year round, especially the cherry blossoms.

Luoxiong Road Station

Optics Valley Pedestrian Street: Optics Valley Pedestrian Street is divided into Spanish Style Street, Italian Style Street, German Style Street and French Style Street, where you can appreciate the architectural art and customs of different countries and experience the vitality and fashion of Optics Valley.

Panlong City Station

Panlong City National Archaeological Site Park: Panlong City has a history of more than 3,500 years, is the first Shang Dynasty ancient city found in the Yangtze River Basin, the park covers an area of about 5 square kilometers, where the Panlong City Ruins Museum was built, covering an area of about 220,000 square meters.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 3

Hongtu Avenue Station

Wuhan Polar Ocean Park: Wuhan Polar Ocean Park has been rated as a national AAAA-level tourist attraction and is the most expensive zoo in Wuhan, covering an area of 600,000 square meters, with six theme kingdoms such as the Ocean Kingdom and the Animal Kingdom.

Luojiazhuang Station

Gude Temple: The unique temple architectural style, which looks like a church, is a popular check-in place for young people.

Yunfei Road Station

Wangjiadun Park: It is located in the north of Wuhan Central Business District, covering an area of about 12 hectares, with four mountains and two slopes as the skeleton, beautiful mountains and rivers, and is the “green lung” of Wuhan CBD.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 4

Industrial 4th Road Station

Beiyang Bridge: It is the oldest stone arch bridge in Wuhan, and its structure is similar to that of Zhaozhou Bridge, with a length of 50 meters.

Chu River Han Street Station

Chu River Han Street: This is a commercial pedestrian street with a total length of 1.5 kilometers in the architectural style of the Republic of China, and is the most charming urban night view tourist attraction in Wuhan and even China.

Shouyi Road Station

Xinhai Revolution Museum: The Xinhai Revolution Museum was built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution and Wuchang First Uprising, and contains 428 historical relics of the Xinhai Revolution.

Site of the Wuchang Uprising Military Government: It is the former site of the Hubei Military Government, also known as the Red Mansion, which is a complex of buildings with the classical architectural style of Western Europe, covering an area of more than 18,000 square meters.

Zhongjiacun Station

Guiyuan Temple: Guiyuan Temple is the most prosperous temple in Wuhan, which has the most intact 500 Arhats in China.

Guqin Terrace: Guqin Terrace and Yellow Crane Tower, Qingchuan Pavilion are called “Sanchu Shengjing”, built to commemorate the bosom friend story of Yu Boya and Zhong Zi period.

Hanyang Art District:; It is one of Wuhan’s art cards, an abandoned industrial factory used in the art district, which was originally part of the Hanyang Arsenal and Factory 824 founded by Zhang Zhidong during the Chinese Westernization Movement.

Wulidun Station

Wuhan Zoo: Wuhan Zoo is nearly 1 km away from Wulidun Station and is the most well-known zoo in Wuhan.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 5

Honggang City Station

Qingshan Park: Qingshan Park is about 600 meters away from Honggangcheng Station, covering an area of 330,000 square meters, and is the largest district park in Wuhan, including Plum Blossom Mountain, Cherry Blossom Mountain, Osmanthus Mountain, and Rhododendron Garden, known as “Hundred Gardens”.

Peace Park Station

Peace Park: The Peace Park is about 600 meters away from the Peace Park Station, covering an area of 500,000 square meters, mainly composed of eight gardens, including the Rose Garden, the Crape Myrtle Garden, the Begonia Garden, and the Amusement Park, among which there is the largest Yueji Garden in Wuhan.

Tanhualin Wushengmen Station

Wuhan Revolutionary Museum: It has five old revolutionary sites and red venues, including the Wuchang Agricultural Lecture Center and the site of the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and is a red tourist attraction.

Peng Liu Yang Station

Yellow Crane Tower: The Yellow Crane Tower, known as “the first building in the world”, is the most well-known tourist attraction in Wuhan and the most well-known landmark in Wuhan.

Yellow Crane Tower Station at the entrance of the division

Wuchang Integrity Culture Park: Wuchang Integrity Culture Park is a theme park in Wuchang District, Wuhan City, which showcases integrity education and culture, including a group statue of the first Supervision Commission.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 6

Jinyinhu Park Station

Jinyinhu Urban Wetland Park: It is one of the largest free urban wetland parks in Wuhan, covering an area of 1,155 acres, including 255 acres of land and 900 acres of lake.

Sanyanqiao Station

Water Chestnut Lake Park: Water Chestnut Lake Park is only 300 meters away from Sanyanqiao Station, named “Water Chestnut Lake” because of its abundance of water chestnuts, and the lotus flower sea in Water Chestnut Lake Park is people’s favorite.

Qianjiancun Station

Yellow Crane Tower Wine Culture Expo Park: Yellow Crane Tower Wine Culture Expo Park is a wine-themed museum, which has imitation Ming and Qing Dynasty buildings, with bronze statues inside, telling the story of wine culture.

Jiangang Station

Ye Kaitai Museum: Ye Kaitai Museum is the only 3A-level scenic spot in Wuhan with the theme of traditional Chinese medicine culture, which has the intangible cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine on display.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 7

Garden Expo Park Station

Garden Expo Park: Garden Expo Park is a 4A tourist attraction, covering an area of more than 200 hectares, where you can enjoy the garden scenery of all parts of the country and many national gardens such as the United Kingdom and France.

Yezhihu Station

Yezhi Lake Park: Yezhi Lake Park is characterized by woodland tours, where visitors can not only enjoy the scenery in the park, but also go down to the water trails on both sides of the nullah.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 8

Liyuan Station

East Lake Scenic Area: One of the three 5A-level scenic spots in Wuhan, which is divided into Tingtao Scenic Area, East Lake Moshan Scenic Area, Luoyan Scenic Area and Piping Flute Scenic Area.

Provincial Bo Hubei Daily Station

Hubei Provincial Museum: Hubei Provincial Museum is a national first-class museum, covering an area of 85,000 square meters, with ten treasures such as the Yue King Goujian Sword and Zeng Hou Yi Chime.

Hubei Museum of Art: Hubei Museum of Art is opposite the Hubei Provincial Museum, with ten exhibition halls in the museum, which is a favorite of art lovers.

Military Sports Village Station

Huangjiahu Wetland Park: Huangjiahu Wetland Park covers a vast area, where you can enjoy beautiful lakes, wetlands and forests, and feel the tranquility and beauty of nature. There is also a 10 km long cycle path.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 11

Optics Valley 5th Road Station

Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Museum: It is the only provincial-level comprehensive science and technology museum in Hubei Province, with 8 permanent exhibition halls, including Science Storm, Science and Technology Treasure, and Children’s Science Park.

Optics Valley 4th Road Station

Leopard Creek Park: The most important thing to look at is that you can see the only suspended train in our country passing overhead compared to the park itself.

  1. Wuhan Metro Line 16

Mayinghe Station

European style town: A European style town known as Disney, as a standard European-style back garden in Wuhan, gives people the illusion of being in Disney and is sought after by young people.